Why SAFE Haven of Racine?

The SAFE Haven Shelter is an eight bed multi-cultural community based residential shelter locally controlled by SAFE Haven of Racine, Inc. (formerly Racine Runaway), a private non-profit incorporated in 1971 and licensed by the State as a group home for youth through age 17 in need of emergency shelter due to runaway behaviors and homelessness. Counseling is provided to the youth and family members. The project provides residential and non-residential services to runaway and homeless youth including: outreach to youth and the community, direct individual 24 hour intake and assessment; temporary shelter for up to 14 days; food and clothing; individual, group, family and peer counseling sessions for the youth and their family members; positive youth development case management including information and coordinated referral; recreation and leisure activities; aftercare; follow-up, and evaluation. SAFE Haven staff work to prevent youth from running away or becoming homeless through drop-in or home-based services.
SAFE Haven Programs
SAFE Haven provides residential services to runaway and homeless youth. Additionally, SAFE Haven staff work to prevent youth from running away or becoming homeless through drop-in or home-based services.
SAFE Haven offers additional support to the Racine Unified Middle Schools with yearly case management. The School Engagement Program combats frequent truancy, behavioral issues, and transition students into high school.
News & Events
BREAKS FOR YOUTH-Annual Pool Tournament Fundraiser
Join us for BREAKS FOR YOUTH, our annual pool tournament fundraiser. Saturday, November 12, 2022 Registration opens at 10.30 Partners & singles are welcome. The cost to enter is $30 per person. Download the Flyer Calling all pool players aged 18 or over - join us...
In Her Corner – February Newsletter
#GirlsToo Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month GI_Newsletter_Feb
Childhood Abuse and Prevention event
SAFE Haven is hosting their Childhood Abuse and Prevention event. Don’t miss your chance to meet Miss Racine! By creating awareness, we can save the lives of children together. The event is from 12-3 pm Located at SAFE Haven (1030 Washington Ave. Racine, WI.) Come...