#GirlsToo Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month...
Blog, SAFE Haven News
SAFE Haven is hosting their Childhood Abuse and Prevention event. Don’t miss your chance to meet Miss Racine! By creating awareness, we can save the lives of children together. The event is from 12-3 pm Located at SAFE Haven (1030 Washington Ave. Racine, WI.) Come...
Blog, SAFE Haven News
Play trivia and win a cash prize to help SAFE Haven raise money to end human trafficking and help runaway or homeless youth in Racine. For any questions please contact Requirements include: Must be between the age of 10-17 Attending School...
Blog, SAFE Haven News
SAFE Haven has their monthly Youth Advisory Board meeting. Youth are to discuss and plan community events, outreach, after-school projects, and discuss youth issues. This advisory board is team oriented. Youth show respect, kindness, and acceptance towards each other...
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